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Home Support FAQs Washer Dryer FAQs How long do the programmes on your washing machine or washer dryer last?
The duration of washing machine and washer dryer programmes can vary based on several factors, including the specific model, the type of cycle selected, and the amount of laundry loaded. Here’s how you can find out the approximate duration for each programme on your Blomberg washing machine or washer dryer.
How can I find the programme durations for models without a digital display?
If your washing machine or washer dryer does not have a digital display, you can refer to the user manual for approximate programme durations. The manual typically includes a table that lists the time required for each cycle.
How can I find the programme durations for models with a digital display?
For models equipped with a digital display, you can view the duration of each programme directly on the screen. Simply rotate the dial to select a programme, and the display will show the estimated time for that cycle. The duration displayed may be adjusted automatically during the wash based on factors like the amount of laundry, foaming, load balance, power supply fluctuations, and water pressure.
Do Blomberg washing machines and washer dryers have quick wash programmes?
Yes, Blomberg’s washing machines and washer dryers do offer fast programmes. Many Blomberg models feature a Fast Full Load, which can wash a full load in under 30 minutes. Additionally, selected Blomberg washer dryers are equipped with a Wash & Wear programme that can both wash and dry up to 1 kg of laundry in just 60 minutes, providing an efficient solution for quick laundry needs. These fast programmes are designed to save you time while still delivering effective cleaning and drying results.
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